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Male Plastic Surgery

Despite many people’s misconceptions, men can benefit from plastic surgery just as much as women. Dr. Nelson provides many facial and body procedures to help men achieve the aesthetic look they desire while improving their comfort and confidence

Featured below is an overview of the male procedures offered by Dr. Nelson to guide you to the right technique.

Handsome man in gray smiling

Male Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery (also known as blepharoplasty) addresses sagging skin,puffiness, and the appearance of bags under the eyes. Upper blepharoplasty addresses drooping eyelids that can make you look older than you want and obstruct vision when severe. Lower blepharoplasty corrects the appearance of puffiness and sagging skin in the lower eyelids. These techniques can be performed alone or combined to address the upper and lower lids.

Depending on the extent of the procedure, most patients recover from their eyelid surgery in one to three weeks. Once the bruising and swelling dissipate, you can look forward to a more masculine and rejuvenated upper face

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Handsome man in a suit

Male Facelift

Facelift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available. This is because a facelift helps to correct age- and lifestyle-related issues in the lower two-thirds of the face, including wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. These conditions can make you look older and more worn down than you want. For a facelift, Dr. Nelson makes incisions around the temples and ear to reposition underlying facial tissue, remove excess skin, and pull the remaining skin tight

Facelift surgery can help you achieve a more sculpted facial profile, including a more defined and masculine jawline. Not only will your skin look and feel smoother and more youthful than it has in years, but a facelift can help remove the presence of jowls and a double chin

Recovery from this procedure can take four to six weeks; however, once your results are finalized, you will be able to look in the mirror and smile at the handsome face looking back at you.

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Fit man with his arms crossed

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia (excess breast tissue in men) is a common condition that causes men to develop breasts (or “man boobs,” as it is often called), which can severely affect confidence and self-esteem levels. Because this condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance of testosterone and estrogen, cosmetic surgery is the only way to correct true gynecomastia. With gynecomastia surgery (also known as male breast reduction surgery), Dr. Nelson may use liposuction to remove subcutaneous fat in the chest and/or surgically remove excess breast tissue.

Most men are able to recover from their gynecomastia procedure in one to two weeks. After the swelling and discomfort dissipate, you can look forward to having a more masculine and defined chest that you can show off with or without a shirt

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Mature man with glasses in a blue shirt

Male Otoplasty

Many men struggle with ears that are either too large for the size of their faces or ears that stick out from the sides of their heads. Because this issue is present at a young age, many people have otoplasty (cosmetic ear surgery) early in their lives. However, corrective ear surgery can be performed on adult males who struggle with this condition. For this procedure, Dr. Nelson makes an incision in the back of the ear and then manipulates the tissue (including removing cartilage, shaping the cartilage, or grafting cartilage) to give you the appearance you want

While recovery can take several weeks for some patients, most men can return to their daily activities after 10 days. Once you recover, your ears will be in better balance with your face and/or lie flatter along the sides of your head.

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Interested in Other Plastic Surgery Procedures?

Dr. Nelson also provides facial plastic surgery, body plastic surgery, and male cosmetic surgery. If you’d like to learn more about any of the procedures listed above, call our office at (520) 575-8400 or fill out our contact form to set up a consultation.

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To learn more about plastic surgery procedures, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jeffrey Nelson or call us at 520-575-8400

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